Resultados: 3

Efeitos da música na ansiedade de doadores de sangue: ensaio clínico randomizado

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da música sobre a ansiedade-estado, parâmetros fisiológicos e laboratoriais, em doadores de sangue. Métodos: Ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego, realizado em um Hemocentro Regional, localizado no interior de Minas Gerais. Participaram do estudo 126 doadores ...

Relationship of anxiety and preoperative depression with post-operative pain

ABSTRACT Objectiv:e to analyze the relationship of anxiety and depression in the preoperative period with the presence of pain in the postoperative period. Method: cohort study conducted at a university hospital in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil), between february and July 2017, with 65 patients. A...

Guided imagery relaxation therapy on preoperative anxiety: a randomized clinical trial

Objective to evaluate the effect of relaxation therapy with guided imagery on state anxiety and cortisol in the immediate preoperative period in patients submitted to bariatric surgery by videolaparoscopy. Method a randomized, triple-blind clinical trial in a large teaching hospital in the interior of...